I am heading out on holiday in a few days, so I wanted to add a second post before I go.
This "Strange Ideas" series is looking at verses commonly taken out of context and putting them back where they belong. This is important to do because we can believe some very foolish things if we misunderstand God's Word.
In this post, I am highlighting 1 Corinthians 10.13, which says, "And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear." Taken out of context, this verse is used to prop up the following unbiblical notion: God will not send you more in life than you can handle. This view is patently false.
First, this notion has nothing to do with the verse in question. Paul is writing to a Corinthian church that is struggling with all kinds of problems, including pride, factions, abuse of the Lord's Supper and even incest! Paul is calling them to be faithful and to not fall prey to the temptations of idolatry (10.7), sexual immorality (10.8), testing Christ (10.9) and grumbling (10.10). Paul explains how the ancient Israelites failed in these ways and were judged by God as a warning to followers of Christ not to do the same.
Paul knows that the Corinthians struggle with these temptations and he encourages them with the good news that God will help them and provide a way out from these temptations. This is a far cry from telling us that we can handle anything in life.
Because there is so much in life we can't handle. This is why Christians, just like everyone else, can suffer debilitating emotional and mental breakdowns. The world is broken, sin abounds and evil is voraciously at work. And we can't handle it all. My wife has stage 4 cancer and three of my children struggle with mental health issues. I can't handle this! But I was never meant to handle it. I am meant to learn to trust God. I am meant to learn to grieve, to pray and to suffer well, all to the best of my ability resting in the grace of God.
And remember that at the heart of the Christian faith is the death of Jesus on the cross. We can't handle the fact that we are sinners alienated from God. We needed someone to deal with that, and Jesus has. That is why we cry out for mercy and cast ourselves into his care. Because Jesus can handle anything. He died on that Roman cross for the sins of the whole world. He rose from the dead in victory over sin, death and evil. He ascended to the throne of heaven. He is interceding on our behalf even now. And he will return one day and make all things new.
Don't put your trust in a false thought that God will not give you anything too hard to handle. If that were true what would be the point of faith? Rather, put your trust in Christ, who bled and died for you, and who gives you eternal life when you trust in him.
I know I can't handle all of life's circumstances. Jesus can. Therefore, I trust him.
Blessings on you all!
Pastor David